The Calm Corner offers many training sessions in Early Childhood as well as Path's to Quality. We would love the opportunity to help build you and your team to better grow young minds.

Training Examples
We can provide trainings at The Calm Corner, or join you in your facility. If you have an idea of training not listed, we can create one specifically or adapt one for your school!

The Growing Brain
Three part series;
2 - 3 hour sessions.

Teaching Infants
& Toddlers
2 hour session

Documentation of Learning
1.5 hour session

2 hour session

2 hour session

Power of Play Workshop
2 hour session

Introduction to Reggio-Emilia
2 hour session

Taming the Tiger (Emotional Regulation & Creating Calm Corner)
2 hour session

Motor Skills
1 -2 hour session

Classroom Community
2 hour session

Practice Makes Perfect (A training on creating centers and teacher engagement)
1.5 hour session

Online Workshop - Gentle Guidance
For staff and families
Paths to Quality
Interested in doing Paths to Quality or moving up your level? We would love to work with you through trainings and coaching. Coaching around PTQ varies. Could include leadership coaching, documentation assistance, or brining a coach into a classroom, etc.

Breaking Down Paths to Quality
1 hour session

Centers & Classroom Setup
2 hour session

Lesson Planning & Foundations
1 hour session